Just Bought A New Car? Here Are The Best Driving Destinations In The World

When you’ve just bought a new car, your first instinct is to get in it and just drive. You finally have your freedom. Now it’s time to explore the world.

But where should you go when things open back up again? Which countries offer the best territories for your car?

Check them out below.


The Best Driving Destinations In The World

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Italy is a great driving destination for so many reasons. Firstly, it has some of the best – and most rustic – countryside in the world. Areas like Tuscany and Sicily are just idyllic.

Secondly, Italy covers the Alps – Europe’s biggest mountain range. The roads here are stunning and snake in and out of ravines and crevices, sometimes boring through the mountains themselves.

Getting your car to Europe might sound like a bit of a struggle, but you can do it using services like Shiply. That way, you can enjoy your car instead of having to rely on a bog-standard hire option.


The Best Driving Destinations In The World

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On the other side of the Meditteranean, you’ll find the North African country of Morocco, one of the most interesting places in the world. It has beautiful food, historic sites, and plenty of countryside to explore, some of which looks weirdly similar to Yorkshire in the UK if you pick the right season.

Why is Morocco so great for driving vacations? Well, firstly, the roads are interesting. While there are decent roads between major cities, the moment you get into the interior, it devolves into tracks. These then snake their way past dozens of villages and then into the totally unspoiled countryside.

Yes, you’ll need a 4X4, especially if you’re going to the Atlas mountains. But, other than that, you’re in the clear.


The Best Driving Destinations In The World

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When it comes to driving holidays, Japan isn’t the first place that comes to mind. The tiny island is home to more than 120 million people, so it’s a little crowded. Why, then, would you go?

Well, the crowded nature of the place is one of the reasons why driving holidays are so popular here. You start on the northern island of Hokkaido and then make your way south, taking various car transport ferries on the way. Every five minutes or so, you’ll come across a new town with unique food and environment. Eventually, you’ll hit the urban core of the country around Tokyo and the ancient capital of Kyoto. Here you can find secret gardens, temples, and the freshest sashimi in the world. Then you can carry on going south to the rocky periphery of the country and explore the lonely countryside once more.


The Best Driving Destinations In The World

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No list of driving holiday destinations would be complete without mentioning Germany, one of the most liberal motoring nations in the world. Even today, with all our health and safety obsession, you can still drive 200 mph down the autobahn and police officers won’t even bat an eyelid. So if you have a fast car, this is the place to take it.

German cities themselves aren’t much to write home about. But the countryside is quite special, and there are some fabulous castles dotted around.

While you’re here, check out these top 10 facts about the Petronas Towers.

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.