4 Must Not Forget Items For Your First Holiday After The Pandemic

After being locked indoors for the last twelve months, the prospect of a foreign holiday is now a real possibility as we approach the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, given that we’ve not been away for a while, it’s important to draw up a list of things that you mustn’t forget before your first holiday back overseas. Here’s a helpful guide!

Woman on beach at sunset

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

1. Phone Charger 

Top of the list whenever you go away anywhere overnight tends to be your phone charger – but this is extra important when packing for a foreign holiday. Imagine jetting off to the other side of the world to find out your phone is out of juice and you have no way of charging it. You won’t be able to take any photos and your memories of the holiday will fade far quicker as a result. As we all count on our smartphones to be our main point and shoot camera these days, double-check that you have your phone charger packed before jetting off as this will spare you from disappointment at the airport. The cost of a replacement is always pretty pricey too!

2. Sun Cream

Given that you’ve been stuck inside for a while, you’d be forgiven for forgetting what sunshine looks like! However, one thing you must never forget is your suncream when packing for a foreign holiday. With temperatures likely much hotter than where you are from, your skin won’t be used to the sun’s rays, especially this year, so it’s important to protect both yourself and your family. Sunburn has regularly been linked with causing skin cancer, so this is a crucial item to remember. Plus, one of the best ways to keep costs down while travelling abroad is to bring sun cream with you rather than buying it when you’re abroad as the price can be extortionate!

3. Travel Guide 

There’s no fun in simply laying on the beach for a fortnight when away on holiday. Don’t forget to pack your travel guide so that you know all of the very best excursions to go on whilst you’re away. Pocket travel guides are handy to carry around and will even help you to locate some of the best restaurants, bars and clubs in the local area – if that’s your sort of thing! You can find pocket travel guides for most popular holiday destinations online. Just don’t forget to pack it in your suitcase before jetting off abroad next! If nothing else, it’s a bit of poolside reading… 

4. Binoculars 

Don’t forget to pack your binoculars – especially if you’re heading off on safari! After all, this time stuck indoors, you don’t want to be spending too much time simply lying by the pool so get out there and explore a new culture and a new neighbourhood. The very best binoculars provide good image quality, usability and reliability – so look for these factors before picking up a pair before your trip. We often find that bird watching binoculars tend to be best in all circumstances.

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.