5 reasons to love summer in London

The United Kingdom isn’t known for its glorious summers. Still, in the four years I lived over there, not once did I feel short-changed by the English summer. And that’s because there’s reasons to love summertime in the capital, besides the weather.

These are the top 5 reasons why I love summertime in London…

1. It’s warmer!

Sure, the summer weather can be a bit disappointing – we’ve already covered that point in the introduction – but at least it’s not snowing, there’s no ice on the ground, and, fingers crossed, you might actually get to see some real live sunshine for a change.

Top 10 things to do in London this summer

2. Everyone’s nicer (well, a little bit nicer anyway)

London will never be a friendly city per se, but everyone is a heck of a lot nicer during the warmer months. Now, instead of getting your head bitten off for standing on the wrong side of the escalator in the Tube (for shame!), you’ll only get an angry “excuse me”, a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head from frustrated commuters.

3. Holidays in Europe

Is it cheating to say that one of the reasons London rocks in summer is because you can go somewhere else?

Summer in London means it’s also summer in Europe – so it’s time to cash in all that leave you’ve been accumulating throughout the year and head away to Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, or, well, you get the point. Go somewhere sunny.

4. There’s so much to do

Or, if you’ve already cashed out all your leave, you need not to fear – there are heaps of things to see and do in London in the summer. Highlights include watching a movie under the stars at the open-air cinema at Somerset House, the fifth and final cricket test of the 2015 Ashes series at The Oval (20-24 August), and the Notting Hill Carnival (30-31 August 2015).

Me and some mates drinking in Richmond, London

5. Riverside pubs and drinking on the footpath!

Finally, Londoners couldn’t possibly be expected to sit indoors and drink when it’s sunny outside! Summer means it’s time to grab and then stand around drinking it on the footpath outside the pub.

I love that; nothing symbolises the London summer more to me than having to walk on the road because there’s a throng of people blocking the footpath, drinking pints of lager in the sun.

Even better, you need to get your ass to a riverside pub by the River Thames. To find the best ones, check out my ebook for Kindle: London’s Best Riverside Pubs. Check it out, buy it, and then leave me a five-star review 😉

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.

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