Dos and don’ts for a smooth airport experience

Long Haul: Working Your Way Around The World

Most people love traveling, but not everyone loves the airport. This is understandable, because if you are not properly prepared then it can be a boring and/or stressful experience! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Regardless of where you’re going or what the purpose of your trip is, if you follow these simple dos and don’ts you can avoid some of the most common mistakes people make at the airport. This will make sure that your time in the departure lounge goes smoothly!

Do: Give yourself more time than you think you’ll need

Most of the time you don’t need the full two or three hours recommended at the airport before your flight. However, it’s always best to follow this advice anyway, because there are things that can go wrong and cause delays. For example, the traffic might be bad, your train could be canceled, or there might be long lines at the security gate. Leave enough time for emergencies and you’ll avoid the stress of having to run to make your flight.

Don’t: Leave admin until the last minute

There are lots of steps you can take before you leave home that will make your airport experience smoother. These include booking your airport parking or train tickets in advance, and checking in for your flight online. If you do this as soon as it opens, you’ll have the best chance of getting the seat you want too! You should also make sure that everything you need at the airport is in easy reach, for instance your passport, boarding pass, your Kona resorts address, currency, and your cellphone.

Do: Check baggage restrictions

One of the biggest headaches you can have at the airport is finding out that your luggage is too heavy or you’ve packed something you’re not allowed to bring on board the plane. Each airline has their own weight limits, which often vary depending on your seat, so be sure to check the specifics before you leave home. If you can, weigh your suitcase to be extra careful. In addition, if you mark your luggage with a sticker or something similar, it can make it easier to spot it on the baggage carousel when you reach your destination.

Don’t: Wear fiddly shoes or clothes

This tip can be a big help when it comes to getting through security with no hassle. Try to avoid wearing clothing with a lot of metal, because this can set off the scanners and delay you. Similarly, wearing shoes that you are able to easily slip on and off will make things much quicker and less stressful for you. Don’t forget to check all of your pockets!

Do: Enjoy it!

Going to the airport is the first stage of your vacation, so try to have fun with it! Browse the duty-free shops, have a meal in a restaurant or drink at a bar, or bring a book to entertain yourself with. Depending on where you’re flying from, there might be interesting and unique airport features you can explore too. All of which will make the time you spend there more enjoyable!

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.