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Deciding to move to another country is something that people don’t take lightly. The whole process has its ups and downs. So whether you are moving abroad good for your health, for family or work, below are some things to consider before going ahead.
Work and money
Thinking ahead about how you will support yourself and your family is important if you are moving abroad. Do you have a job lined up or will you be looking for one? If you are looking for a job you may want to do this before moving as you will need to support yourself as soon as you move. Depending on how you go about this will depend on the visa you will be required to get.
You will need to ensure you move on the correct visa. There are many different types of visas and these depend on the country you are moving to. For example, you may need a work permit or a residency visa and these may only allow you to do that for 1 or 2 years. Ensure you do your homework and get the correct visa, otherwise, you could find yourself in conflict with the law.
Language can be a huge barrier if you are unable to speak the native language of the country you are moving to. If you are a little rusty then taking classes to brush up on your skills will be important. You will need to understand how to pay your bills, if you need to visit a government department or if you need to register your car. Take account of all situations you will find yourself in and ensure you have the necessary phrases at hand.
Family and Friends
It can be especially difficult moving abroad and leaving family and friends behind. Talk to them about what you are considering and get their input. With so much technology these days, it is much easier to stay in touch but it can be lonely being away from family and friends. If you are moving after the breakup of a relationship and children are involved, consider enlisting the help of family law solicitors, who will be able to advise you on issues such as visitation. Remember you can always visit home but you need to take that into account when considering the location as some places may cost more to get home so you won’t be able to do this as regularly as you would wish.
Cost of Moving
Moving to another county can be expensive. You need to consider what to do about your belongings and whether you want to store them, take them with you or sell them. Thinking about all these things will ensure you are making an informed decision about moving abroad. Alternatively, finding a company that will sponsor you to go abroad could mean you don’t have to worry about these details as some will also pay for your flights and pay for you to visit your family.