Vietnam’s Valley of Love – a Valentine’s Day spectacular

Romantic wedding/marriage statue in Dalat's Valley of LoveSaccharine, schmaltzy and without a hint of irony whatsoever, Dalat’s Valley of Love is cuter than a sack full of lolcats and very nearly as annoying.

Located in Vietnam’s temperate central highlands, 5km north of Dalat, the Valley of Love (or Thung Lũng Tình Yêu) is a large flowery park festooned with tacky concrete animals and kitschy love-themed monuments.

A romantic bridge in Dalat's Valley of Love, VietnamBut of course some people will love it. The cutesy animal statues, bright and colourful flowers and the (horrible) romantic music blaring out all over the park make this a popular spot with Vietnamese honeymooners.

The view from Dalat's Valley of Love, VietnamLove springs eternal in the Valley of Love, where even the rubbish bins come in cute animal shapes. Lovers can catch a horse-drawn carriage, peddle around the man-made lake by swan boat or gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes from beneath a giant heart-shaped fountain.

Or if you’re single perhaps you will find love here. It’s certainly in the air.

A cutesy bunny rubbish bin in Dalat's Valley of Love, Vietnam.All of this makes Dalat’s Valley of Love either the ideal place to take your loved one on Valentine’s Day or perhaps the worst if you have a low tolerance for complete and utter cheesiness.

Call me a hopeless romantic but I’d rather take my date out for dinner and a movie.

Me at the Valley of Love in Dalat, Vietnam.

About Simon Petersen 508 Articles
Travel blogger, journalist, sports and movie fiend. Chronicling the life and times of a Kiwi at home and abroad.

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  1. Places that give the worst first impressions | Man vs World
  2. A day tripper’s delight in Dalat | Man vs World

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